UNOPAA Position Paper
Prior to the last Federal election, UNOPAA submitted a position paper to the political parties seeking:
- legislative change to outlaw the wearing of Australian Honours when not entitled to do so; and
- a commitment to further discuss our other proposals to improve the health and entitlements of our members, after the outcome of the election was known.
Responses were received, including from the Liberal Party. It stated that, if re-elected, the Morrison Government would "work closely with the UNOPAA on legislative improvements and other activities (such as a Health Audit) that may be necessary to more appropriately recognise and support police who have returned from overseas operations and their families."
In June, we wrote to the Minister for Veterans Affairs requesting advice on the steps that would now be taken by the government to address this commitment.
On 22 September 2019 we received a reply. It ignores the commitment, goes over old ground and says nothing new.