Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

The Annual General Meeting of the United Nations & Overseas Policing Association of Australia Inc. (UNOPAA) for 2023 will be held in Canberra on Friday, 20 October 2023, at 2.00pm (AEST)

Proceedings will be conducted in person and by teleconference.  Please contact the National Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you intend to attend, or dial-in, so relevant details can be provided to you.

The meeting is being held to meet our statutory obligations as an incorporated association.  The agenda will be restricted to the tabling of our financial statements, a President's and a Secretary's report, and the election of office bearers for 2023-24.  Any general business will be deferred for consideration at a Special General Meeting, to be held in conjunction with our Darwin Reunion in May 2024.