UNOPAA Presentation to ESORT
On 18 September 2023, UNOPAA made a presentation to the Ex-Service Organisations Round Table (ESORT) convened by the Department of Veterans' Affairs in Canberra.
Our presentation set out our background, focus and activities; and the matters of concern we believe should be addressed by DVA. These are principally:
- Anomalies and omissions in our coverage under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (VEA)
- Recognition by DVA of our status as an Ex-Service Organisation (ESO)
- Our desire for membership of ESORT
- Our entitlements as "Members of Peacekeeping Forces" in comparison to military personnel
- Our access to funding and other support from DVA.
A copy of our powerpoint presentation is attached. Hopefully, a response to the issues we raised will be received from DVA.